NAVCAST – User Access
Client Installation
Download the NTRIP-client software for free from the German Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG) / (Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy)
BKG NTrip Client is free: BKG NTrip Client
Other Software are available: Other Software
Installation guide for the BKG Ntrip Client (Windows, Vers. 2.12):
1) Run the downloaded installer
Client Configuration
2)Start Application “BKG Ntrip Client (BNC)”
3)On the Tab “General” set a path for log- and raw-output

4)Add the NAVCAST-stream by clicking on “Add Stream” on the bottom of the program-window:

5)Enter the following information:
Caster host:
Port: 2101
Ntrip Version: 2s
User and Password: Enter the credentials you have received via eMail

6)Click on “Get Table”
7)Choose one mount points

8)Now highlight the stream, click on the “Select” button and then on “Close”
9)Now the NAVCAST-stream is configured and you can start and stop it by clicking the buttons on the bottom.

Further Information
Please mind that the mount points for accessing the NAVCAST correction data streams via the Spaceopal NTRIP caster have changed. Please use from now on the following mount points:
BCEP[0,1]_DEU1 – containing the Broadcast Ephemeris
CLKA[0,1]_DEU1 – containing the SSR corrections regarding the satellites’ Antenna Phase Center
CLKC[0,1]_DEU1 – containing the SSR corrections regarding the satellites’ Center of Mass.
All previous mount points have been disabled.
For support with Spaceopals NAVCAST-service please get in touch with us via the contact-information that you have received in your welcome-eMail.
For further information about the NTRIP-protocol, the BKG provides a good overview to get started: NTRIP-protocol
Further information about the RTCM format can for example be found at:
RTCM format or at RTCM Data and Products