New Features for NAVCAST and its user base
Our High Accuracy Correction Service NAVCAST, has been further enhanced with new features that increase accuracy and improve the user experience.
The first is the ability to receive accurate GPS L5 code bias information in the NTRIP correction stream. Recent smartphones models, in fact, are offering GNSS dual frequency (L1/E1 and L5/E5) capability to achieve improved accuracy and the 16 GPS satellites and all the 22 operational Galileo satellites broadcast signals in both L1/E1 and L5/E5 frequency bands.
NAVCAST is now providing as part of its correction streams code biases for all these signal components including the new GPS L5 signal. This further enhances the service’s ability to provide an accurate positioning.
As a derivate of the in-house development activities, a real time dashboard feed by NAVCAST data streams – dedicated to the status of the Galileo Satellites in Space – is newly available on Spaceopal website.
The dashboard visualizes for each Galileo satellite and for both I/NAV and F/NAV navigation message the so-called Signal in Space (SiS) health status information. Further general information are accessible when browsing over the specific satellite box such as about the space vehicle and the latest broadcast ephemeris parameters including Flags, Orbit, clock correction parameters.