Galileo High Accuracy Service has been launched! The European Commission and EUSPA have formally launched the Galileo High Accuracy Initial Service (HAS) – Phase I. Spaceopal congratulates these European organisations, as…
Spaceopal’s shareholders, Telespazio and DLR-GfR, affirm their full commitment to the Galileo programme with a new agreement Spaceopal’s two equal shareholders – Telespazio and DLR-GfR – have signed an agreement…
The German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport welcomed in the Galileo Control Centre Last May 9, The German Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV) represented by State Secretary…
After completing in-orbit tests, Galileo Nikolina satellite enters service On 5th May, Galileo satellite “Nikolina” (GSAT0223) has entered in service provision, reinforcing the performance and robustness of the EU’s satellite-based…
Galileo: Spaceopal confirmed as Service Operator under the European satellite navigation programme The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has confirmed Spaceopal, a joint venture owned in equal…